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Sports Bloggers: How About #31WriteNow? One Post Per Day In August. Join Me!


Jessica Danielle - NFL Goodwitch

Here’s yours truly posing in front of my stand up desk in between vlogging and blogging.

Yall know I take a break during the summer and I mainly write for other publications and blog sporadically. But now that football season is back I will be regularly blogging again so what better time to do one of those cliche post challenges. You know the ones where you challenge yourself to tap into your deepest blogging work ethic and post something everyday. 

One thing sports bloggers always ask me is about how to build traffic. And although there are many ways to do so (social media, events, free lancing, radio/tv appearances) the best way to do so remains to do the work. Post at least once a day and try to make it as substantive and concise as you can. My friend Luvvie over at Awesomely Luvvie talked about how her blog traffic doubled the last time she took on one of these challenges. 

I think it’s certainly worth it to try the challenge and later look at your google analytics, stat counter, site meter and any other analytics you use and give some serious thought to what draws folks to your blog, what posts are the most popular, and whether you find yourself in a better traffic situation September 1st, than you did today. 

I wish I would have gotten a post up about this early on during the day so those of you who want to try this challenge out have more time today to get your first post up but…it’s 4pm EST in America so you still have some hours to make it happen! 

Also, don’t forget: If you’re a binge writer and tend to do 4 or 5 posts at a time, go ahead and schedule them ahead of time. Luvvie covers that in her blog post as well. 

Finally, try to remember to use the hashtag #31WriteNow. I’ll be trolling it and randomly tweeting folks encouragement cause, you know, I’m a GOODWITCH.

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